Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy 54TH........

Happy birthday Nigeria! nope that isn't totally right, Nigeria was born in January 1914..happy independence day is appropriate because we had our independence October of its happy independence day Nigeria and Nigerians....its been a tough struggle through the years.....the existence of Nigeria as a single nation which started with the amalgamation signed in 1914 making the name Nigeria 100years old this year and I read that the document signed was to last for a hundred years after which we as a nation can decide if we want to remain.......I believe Nigeria was destined to remain I mean I recently read Chimamanda  Adichie's Half of a yellow sun and I could only try to imagine what happened in those 3 or so long years of the civil war to me it was senseless and selfish so many lives lost and wasted for no just course. we are Nigerians and we should remain Nigerians forget about geopolitical or geographical and cultural or religious differences we are Nigerians period!
Nigerians are strong ,intelligent and amazing people and together we can achieve so much and be a lot better than the countries we compare ourselves to daily....Nigerians are breaking grounds all over the world and doing great and mighty things I  love Nigeria and I love being Nigerian. I may not like the fact that there's so much economic issues, cost of living is high there is gross unemployment ,the education and health sector is a shame to us as a is greed and selfishness that has brought us to this place. we are probably the most religious country on earth yet the basics of religion which is love we lack so much. if I could simply love my neighbor as myself then I would be a lot more empathic and considerate in the way I treat them. we can overcome anything and everything only if we stop and think for a moment. Ebola scare made my hope in the country rise even more we did over come because we worked together and we saw Ebola as a common enemy and with the help of God we overcame.........we will overcome!
Our biggest fear is not that we are inadequate, our biggest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure....God bless Nigeria and Nigerians!

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