Monday, October 6, 2014


The cervix is the neck of the uterus (womb) in women. Most of the uterus lies in the pelvis but part of the cervix is located where it connects the womb with the vagina. cancer of the cervix is the easiest female cancers to prevent with regular screening tests and is the second most common cancers in women first of which is breast cancer. More and more people are becoming aware and affected with this condition and when one woman is affected we all are affected one way or another as this woman is more often than not a mother, wife, sister, daughter, aunty, nice, and friend. Men also get affected by cancers such as that of the prostate and bladder but our main focus is women and their cervix. In cancer of the cervix, early stages are asymptomatic and can only be detected by routine medical checkup i.e. cervical screening but if you ever have any of the following complains please go to the nearest clinic for proper testing;
·         Abnormal bleeding from your vagina aside menstrual periods
·         Bleeding after intercourse
·         Bleeding after menopause
·         Abnormal and persistent vaginal discharge(bloodstained/offensive)
·         Pelvic pain

Who is at risk of developing cervical cancers? If you have a cervix and have ever had sexual intercourse you can get it.
What can cause cancer of the cervix? it is said to occur as a result of persistent infection with human papilloma virus especially the cancer causing strains i.e. 16,18,and 33.this virus is a sexually transmitted virus. In most cases of infection the body’s immune system is able to clear up the infection in 8 – 14 months while other times it persists, becomes chronic and results in cervical cancer hence regular cervical screening is important so that appropriate preventive measures are instituted.

How often do you screen?
Every two years can help prevent 90% of cases of common types of cervical cancers although it can take up to 10years from infection with the virus to developing the cancer.

Screening tests available;
-pap smear
-STD screening for HPV infections;

However as every screening method has its limitations same applies to may miss very early stages of the disease sometimes samples are difficult to interpret because of blood or mucous on the slides. so caution must be taken when collecting samples and the patient should be adequately advised on the dos and don’ts before coming to carry out the test. In order to avoid errors as much as possible

Pap smear;
This dates back as far as 1928 when Dr. Papnicolaou discovered that cells in the cervix change in appearance if they become cancerous hence  it was named after him.pap smear is used to check for changes in the cervix(neck of the womb) which is at the top of the is a screening tool to detect early warning signs that cancer might develop in the future to enable commencement of adequate preventive measures.pap smear doesn’t check for other cancers in the reproductive system it is specific for the cervix. It looks for precancerous cell changes that might become cancer if not treated properly. It is recommended for all sexually active women irrespective of age because HPV is indeed a sexually transmitted disease.

How to prepare for a pap smear?
-you shouldn’t be menstruating, using tampons or sanitary towels.
-you shouldn’t have douched with water or other fluid
-you shouldn’t be using birth control foams,creams,or gels.
-you shouldn’t use a medicine that’s inserted into the vagina (passeries) or cream
Procedure ;

-It is a day procedure and can be done in the doctor’s office and takes a couple of minutes

-the doctor would explain what he is about to do so you know what to expect and you would be asked to remove your underwear and lie on your back on the examining couch with your knees flexed.

-using a prewarmed and sterilized speculum introduced into the vagina to visualize the cervix and there should be a good light source.

-as the cervix is visualized specimens are collected with some mucus using a spatula from the cervix and areas around it usually the four quadrants.

-the specimen collected is placed on a slide and sent to the laboratory for further studies and HPV testing.

Those who should have a pap smear;
-All sexually active women even at menopause
-Those with hysterectomy (surgical removal of the womb ) for reasons of severe changes in the cervix need to have frequent vault smears(specimen is taken from the upper part of the vagina)

This would take some time to come usually about three weeks.

Those who are exempted;
-not sexually active
-those who have had partial hysterectomy

-women who have had a total hysterectomy except otherwise needed.

When to stop;

-if you are > or 70years and have had two normal smears in the last 5years.

Where to go get tested

Cervical cancer vaccine……………very important to consider. They are available and can be given to boys and girls from the age of 9.
I guess I have said my bit concerning this you should think about it and act. knowledge is power but wisdom is its application.. xoxo

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