Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Takers... Many People are takers and they have gotten used to taking so all they do is take take and take and loose sight o the fact that they too need to give.
They get super comfortable being on the receiving end that they forget what it means to give.
They take love, compassion, kindness, intimacy, romance and gifts and that's receivable to taking physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, mentally and otherwise to the extent that they become so lazy.

They do not see that there's any problem with what's  happening and they are oblivious of the fact that anything is happening or that they are takers!
Are you someone who is comfortable with receiving from people in any and every way possible that you never get plagued by your conscience to give in return and you are comfortable with this?
Then you are indeed a taker!
please don't do it

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