Monday, September 21, 2015

My Journey, What's yours...

Everyday we live, everyday we learn. We go through life considering many things we listen to several things and opinions of people, we make our mistakes and try to learn from them although its better to learn from other people's mistakes. The more we live, the more we learn. Life is like a book, to some it's a fairy tale of happily ever afters and to others it's science fiction or a horrible nightmare...Many see life as a journey or sojourning from stage to stage....
We sleep and we wake and we sometimes fail to consider what the essence of life is or what the mechanisms behind many of life's processes or things we tend to consider as a routine or a norm truly are.
Life is usually on default or autopilot: you sleep, you wake, you breathe, you live...then you is a routine not systematic or consciously considered..
Life is just life and nothing more...someone dies and we say 'such is life'. We lose a job or a house or we get good fortune and we say again that such is life...anything indeed can happen.
We forget, often we do forget...Life is a story, yes it is...a journey, off course it is...what then is the origin and purpose of the life that you have and you live? Have you ever considered why you are here? Who brought you here and who sustains your being here? Stop and think and appreciate this life that is...'such is life' selah!:

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